
The Things We Do for Family

Over a year ago, my dear friend told me that she planned to get married on the beach. I must admit, I was a little concerned about going to her wedding. Then, she told me it would include a three-night cruise. Yikes, how will I manage…

I Dread Walking on Slippery Ice in the Winter

Snow. It sure looks pretty unless you have a disability. I love to watch the snow fall; add a hot drink and a good book, and I am happy until I need to venture outside. Winter is not my favorite season. I dread most things about winter in…

The Lessons I Learned in 2018

The past year was packed with ups and downs that taught me numerous lessons about how to navigate my journey with Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT). I learned much about myself, this crazy disease, and how it affects my life. In the past year, I visited the podiatrist, orthopedist, and orthotist…

I’m Thinking of Starting a Support Group

A crazy idea came to me early one morning when I couldn’t sleep: Find or start a support group for women with disabilities. While there are many online communities, there are few in-person support groups for women with disabilities. I have Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT) type 1A, and…

How I Handle the Holiday Stress

Holidays and stress seem to go hand in hand! The shopping, cooking, and travel can lead to pressure at this time of year. I love the holidays and spending time with family and friends. However, I do not enjoy all of the chaos and running around. I love…

Myths and Facts About Charcot-Marie-Tooth

I was telling a new doctor that I have Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) disease, and he gave me a funny look. He asked me to repeat the name. I did and gave him a very brief explanation. Then he gave a little laugh and said he was confused because…

Tips to Make Traveling Easier

As the holiday season approaches, so does the opportunity to travel. However, traveling with a disability can be more difficult and require additional planning. Many websites are available to provide advice on traveling with a disability. I have found that some of the tips do not apply to…

I Wish I Knew Others with CMT While Growing Up

What do I wish I knew about Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT) when I was younger? That other people have it, too. I have had CMT as long as I can remember. I am not even sure when I was actually diagnosed — it seems as if it were…

What Can I Do About My Cold Feet?

I have an ongoing concern: My feet are cold all of the time! The temperature outdoors can be 90 degrees, yet my feet still will be ice-cold. They are not always cold to the touch, but they feel cold to me. This is most likely due to poor…

I’m Feeling Overwhelmed by CMT

I’ll be frank about how I’m feeling about my disease. Lately, I have been struggling with feeling overwhelmed about Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT). I don’t usually let CMT get to me. However, over the past few weeks, I have had mixed emotions about this crazy disease. I can’t pinpoint…