
What Does ‘Fair’ Mean?

“Fair does not mean equal.” I always start the school year by teaching my class that concept. I start by giving each student a paper with the name of an injury or illness written on it. Then, they visit the “nurse,” and I give each of them a…

I Graduated from Physical Therapy

I was released from physical therapy, finally! Don’t get me wrong, I liked my physical therapist, even though he made me work hard during our 45 minutes together each week. So, what did I gain from physical therapy? I feel like I gained…

My AFO Saga Continues

In my continuing ankle-foot orthosis journey, I picked up my new AFO for my left foot. It has been a very different experience from where I started this journey.   The journey began in December 2017…

Dealing with My Son’s CMT

My 14-year-old son has Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, but you would never know it. He is an active, adventurous, and goofy teenager who does not let CMT stop him from doing anything. When he was learning to walk, we noticed some minor issues…

Summer Is for Wearing Shorts

“What did you do to yourself?” That was the first thing the saleswoman at the dress shop said to me before she even said hello. I was taken aback by her question. My good friend realized this and started to answer, “Nothing …” Then I…