
Can Having CMT Be a Good Thing?

The other day, someone posed the question, “What do you hate the most about having Charcot-Marie-Tooth?” I could probably write a book about what I hate about this disease. The same person also asked, “What do you like the most about having Charcot-Marie-Tooth?” That proved to be harder…

I’m Hoping to Bump into Others Like Me

About 10 years ago, I found myself walking down a busy side street near one of the larger night markets in Taipei, Taiwan. No direct family members lived there, and although I am ethnically Chinese, my Mandarin is extremely limited. In short, I’m what those in the Asian…

Proud of Me for What?

Why do people tell me they are proud of me for going to the gym? Is that something that I should be proud of? Yes, it is true that going to the gym and working out is not always the easiest thing to do, but does that make it a…

What to Do When Field Trips Are Too Much?

After walking around Jamestown Settlement this past week, I’m really wondering how much longer I, as a schoolteacher, can go on these big field trips. I am not one of those people who uses my disability as an excuse, but this trip took a toll on me. I have…

If Life Had No Limitations, Would It Look Any Different?

At my Weight Watchers meeting, the coach asked us what activities we would do if we had no restrictions. I began thinking about it. I have Charcot-Marie-Tooth type 1A and wear ankle-foot orthoses; therefore, I am somewhat limited in my choice of activities. Some things are just not…