If Life Had No Limitations, Would It Look Any Different?

Jill Price avatar

by Jill Price |

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At my Weight Watchers meeting, the coach asked us what activities we would do if we had no restrictions. I began thinking about it.

I have Charcot-Marie-Tooth type 1A and wear ankle-foot orthoses; therefore, I am somewhat limited in my choice of activities. Some things are just not options for me, and I am usually completely OK with that. I rarely think about what I can’t do — I try to focus on what I can do. That makes it easier to keep a positive outlook on this disorder. However, I did give the question serious thought.

It was tough.

A few things are off my list, even if I were able to do them. Skydiving is definitely off. I will never understand why people jump out of a perfectly good airplane. Bungee jumping is out of the question as it just scares me. What if that cord breaks? Running marathons is not on my list. I give people who can run 26.2 miles a lot of credit — it is just not something I’d want to do, even if I could.

What would be on my list? Surfing would be at the top. I love the ocean and the waves. Surfing seems like an exhilarating experience, a great way to enjoy the water. Hiking is also included. I can do basic, easy hikes, but it would be nice to be able to go on more challenging trails without fear of hurting myself. I’d like to go rock climbing, and walking on the beach in the sand without any issues would be great!

Honestly, however, if I had no restrictions or limitations, I would probably do the same things I do now. Those activities include walking by the beach, taking easy hikes with my son, crafting, and doing moderate exercises. Sometimes, it is nice to think about doing what I always wanted to. It is not the end of the world that I can’t do these things. In fact, most of the time it doesn’t matter to me. There are many things I can do, and I enjoy them.

I am learning that, even though I have limitations, I can still live a fulfilling life. It is good to try to stretch oneself and try new things. Sometimes, it is hard to break out of the comfort zone. It is also OK to do things that are within your abilities.

What are some things you would do if you had no limitations?


Note: Charcot-Marie-Tooth News is strictly a news and information website about the disease. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. The opinions expressed in this column are not those of Charcot-Marie-Tooth News or its parent company, Bionews Services, and are intended to spark discussion about issues pertaining to Charcot-Marie-Tooth.


Laura Heiselman avatar

Laura Heiselman

Jill, you are an excellent writer. I enjoy reading your articles and it seems we are generally always 'on the same page'. I live with 1A and will one day probably need orthotics. Yes, certain activities have been off limit for me, similar to your experiences. However, as I don't really consider myself a vain person, I really would like to have been able to wear heels so that I could publicly present better. Like it or not, first impressions are important and when engaging in public speaking, it would have been nice through the years to be able to wear a dress with heels. But, I have accepted my situation many, many years ago and I don't fight it. However, I do engage in healthy living so as to make the best of a somewhat difficult situation.

Marilyn Jackson avatar

Marilyn Jackson

Yep I understand, I try to still do things I love, and I enjoy reading your stories, for me however i can't do even the mild things i once used to do, like hiking, and walking on sand or even walking a whole shop, let alone the whole shopping centre, which i loved to do, and I always wanted to paraglide but could never do that (it's too expensive anyway) hahaha, but truly in the end happiness comes from choosing joy despite the challenges and losses, and though you miss the things you once did it's just a matter of finding other things that bring you joy, not easy, but I have, we mourn the losses, then get up and go on with this disease. A Dr said to me a few years ago, "This is a miserable disease", but I think the truth is we ourselves don't have to be miserable.

Jill Price avatar

Jill Price

Love your positive attitude!


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