Steve Bryson, PhD,  science writer—

Steve holds a PhD in biochemistry from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Toronto, Canada. As a medical scientist for 18 years, he worked in both academia and industry, where his research focused on the discovery of new vaccines and medicines to treat inflammatory disorders and infectious diseases. Steve is a published author in multiple peer-reviewed scientific journals and a patented inventor.

Articles by Steve Bryson

CMT1A gene defect disrupts cells crucial for nerve health, study says

Duplication of the PMP22 gene, the underlying cause of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1A (CMT1A), disrupts the development of Schwann cells essential to the myelin sheath that protects nerve cells, a study in mouse models and cells derived from patients reports. Specifically, the gene’s duplication dysregulates fat-like lipid metabolism, storage,…

Rare Mutation in ALS-linked SOD1 Gene Helps Lead to CMT Diagnosis

A rare mutation in the SOD1 gene helped doctors to diagnose a woman with Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) disease, a study reports. Although SOD1 mutations are commonly associated with the neurodegenerative disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), clinical assessments confirmed a CMT diagnosis. Researchers hoped this report would raise awareness…

TFG Mutation May Cause Rare Type of CMT2 by Damaging Axons

A rare form of late-onset Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2 (CMT2), caused by TFG gene mutations, is marked by the degeneration of nerve cell projections that include axons, a study suggested. The study also characterized the impact of a specific TFG mutation in a family, which indicated progressive lower-limb muscle…

Neuropathic Pain Can Be Evident Across Various Types of CMT

Neuropathic pain, related to damage or impairment in nerve receptors that detect pain and heat, is most common in CMT1A patients but can be found in people with different types of Charcot–Marie Tooth (CMT) disease, a study found. Abnormal electrical signals along nerve fibers in response to heat generated…

CMT1 May Have Increased Boy’s Susceptibility to Rare Eye Palsy

A boy who experienced oculomotor nerve palsy, a rare condition affecting a nerve that controls eye movements, was later diagnosed with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1 (CMT1), a case study reports. Although the two conditions may have been coincidental, researchers noted the underlying nerve damage due to CMT may have…

Genetic Study Finds Novel CMT-linked Mutations

New genetic analysis tools identified previously unknown genetic mutations in people diagnosed with various types and subtypes of Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) disease, a study reveals. The new techniques used to discern different genes and rare variants may enable researchers to improve detection rates of this neuropathic disorder. The study, “…

Study Reveals Genetic Makeup of CMT Patients in Central South China

Genetic analysis conducted by researchers in China has advanced the understanding of Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) disease and related disorders, a study suggests. The analysis revealed a relatively higher proportion of those with subtype CMT2 and a lower occurrence of PMP22 gene duplication, a common genetic defect linked to the condition,…