
Double HSPB1 Mutations Linked to CMT2F in Two Patients

Researchers identified double disease-causing HSPB1 mutations in two unrelated adults with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2 subtype F (CMT2F), according to a case report. While mutations in the HSPB1 gene have been associated with CMT2F, they are usually found in only one of the gene’s copies, in which case it’s…

Diabetes Co-occurring With CMT1A Led to Misdiagnosis

A man with a rare case of diabetes complicating Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT) had a recurrent foot ulcer that originally was misdiagnosed as diabetic foot. That finding in a case report describes how the overlap in symptoms from the two conditions can be challenging, and how treating the ulcer with…