
Rare Disease Diversity Coalition Awards $600K to Combat Disparities

The Rare Disease Diversity Coalition (RDDC) awarded $600,000 in grants to ease the disparities faced by rare disease patients of color. These Impact Rare Disease Solution grants will go five RDDC steering committee working groups, which aim to identify problems for rare disease communities and advocate for solutions. The five…

HNF, Rarebase Project Working to Find New Therapies for CMT

The Hereditary Neuropathy Foundation, known as HNF, is joining forces with Rarebase, a biotech company, on a project that aims to identify potential treatments for multiple different types of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT). It is the first research initiative to tackle multiple types of CMT in one project,…

Certain NEFH Mutations Linked to Atypical Form of CMT

Mutations in a particular region of the neurofilament heavy chain or NEFH gene cause an atypical, more severe form of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, called type 2CC or CMT2CC, according to a study reporting the cases of 30 patients from eight unrelated families. Notably, the presentation and progression of this subtype more…

‘Rare’ Documentary in Kickstarter Campaign to Raise $45K by Oct. 28

A crowdfunding campaign aims to raise $45,000 to support “Rare,” a documentary film featuring the struggles and achievements of people living with rare diseases and their families. Sweis Entertainment and Digital Cave Media launched the campaign — allowing filmmakers to finish producing and to release the documentary — on Kickstarter.

New Data-sharing Program Aims to Speed Innovation in Rare Diseases

A new U.S. initiative called Rare Disease Cures Accelerator–Data and Analytics Platform — dubbed RDCA–DAP — aims to accelerate treatment innovation across rare diseases by sharing existing patient data and promoting the standardization of new data collection. Launched during a virtual workshop in September, the U.S. Food and Drug…

Research Alliance to Test CMT1A Oral Therapy in Preclinical Studies

The Charcot-Marie-Tooth Association (CMTA) and Addex Therapeutics are teaming up to investigate a potential oral therapy for Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1A (CMT1A), in rodent models of the disease. Established under the association’s Strategy to Accelerate Research (STAR), the collaboration’s goal is to study the benefits of Addex’s proprietary technology —…

CMT2D Mutation Halts Early Steps of Protein Production

Mutations in the GARS gene — found in people with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2D (CMT2D) — halt the first steps of protein production, new research shows. Specifically, the mutations cause ribosomes — the factories where proteins are assembled — to stall protein production. Therapies that can overcome this ribosome-pausing…