Jill Price,  —

Jill was diagnosed with CMT 1A at the age of 2 . She is a fourth-grade teacher and mom to a teenage son, who also has CMT. Jill loves photography, travel, and spending time with family and friends. She researches and writes tips that make life with disability a little easier.

Articles by Jill Price

What to Do When Field Trips Are Too Much?

After walking around Jamestown Settlement this past week, I’m really wondering how much longer I, as a schoolteacher, can go on these big field trips. I am not one of those people who uses my disability as an excuse, but this trip took a toll on me. I have…

If Life Had No Limitations, Would It Look Any Different?

At my Weight Watchers meeting, the coach asked us what activities we would do if we had no restrictions. I began thinking about it. I have Charcot-Marie-Tooth type 1A and wear ankle-foot orthoses; therefore, I am somewhat limited in my choice of activities. Some things are just not…

The Physical Binds of CMT Have Left Me Feeling Excluded

This week at Friday night services, my rabbi’s sermon was about the Torah portion Leviticus 14:1-15:33 and how people were excluded because of illness. He spoke about the isolation and exclusion caused by their illness. This got me thinking about how those of us with disabilities can…

Finding a New Doctor with CMT

When you have a chronic illness, finding a doctor who is knowledgeable about your condition can be a long process. Depending on your disease it may be difficult to locate a medical expert close to where you live. I have Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) and following my diagnosis, I…

What Ableism Looks Like to a Person with CMT

Ableism is discrimination or prejudice against people with disabilities. It can occur in many ways — some ways subtle and others overt. A person with a disability may experience ableism as unwelcome stares or a building or event being inaccessible. Though I have encountered ableism for ages,…

Maintaining a Positive Body Image

The Center for Eating Disorders defines body image as the “subjective picture or mental image of one’s own body.” It is how one feels about their body, and can be positive or negative. Having a positive body image is difficult enough without having a disability. In today’s…

What Accommodations Are Available to Help My Son in School?

At my son’s Individualized Education Program meeting, the team asked what accommodations he requires due to Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. He has little impact from CMT, with the biggest issue being motor dysgraphia. This is a learning disability that affects handwriting and fine motor skills. Our doctor…